2018.11起,為讓臺灣兒童健康暨身心發展協會在Pro-hut 村莊的各項計劃可以整合,以及更實際的幫助當地的學齡前兒童。CSI-TAIWAN與柬埔寨當地合作夥伴KAKO開設幼稚園,招募並訓練村莊婦女成為幼稚園的專屬教師。Pro-hut村莊幼稚園將自2018.11月起開辦,將有25 位學齡前兒童就學。Pro-hut村莊幼稚園將整合衛生教育及兒童陪讀計劃的技巧,使幼稚園教師能協助促進村莊兒童的生長及發展。KAKO: Khmer Akphiwat Khmer Organization,致力柬埔寨村莊成人及兒童文盲教育。

2019.04 經由柬埔寨村莊圖書館建設計劃,我們將教室整修,地版墊高及加建了厠所。為了是讓雨季來臨時不會再讓幼兒園教室淹水。2019.06 柬埔寨暹粒省Pro-hut村莊幼兒園經小朋友們和老師開會後,決定取名為蘋果幼兒園。我們在7月至柬埔寨村莊活動時舉辦小朋友親手畫幼兒園LOGO大賽,結果由綠蘋果票選出線。2019.08 CSI-TAIWAN在綠蘋果教室外掛上由台灣製作的壓克力教室看版。每年8月是綠蘋果幼兒園學年的結束,接著是柬埔寨的雨季即。在11月開學前,是這些幼兒園小毛頭的假期。

Recap of Community Preschool’s Curriculum

Background: The curriculum was arranged for the children age 3-5 years old who are living in the remote area and has no any public school for them to study. The location of the class can be at any places in the villages such as …Pagoda, villager’s house, villages library…etc. The students were the children age 3-5 years old and study together in the same class. The teacher was a villager who is living in the same village of the students and has been participated in the community preschool teacher training.
Teaching methods: Teaching methods are appropriate for the age of the child which is learning by playing. The subjects for community preschool focus on the development of the four major areas of the child (physical, social, emotional and intellectual).
The subjects and class period: There are 10 subjects for community preschool class with 174 lessons and the period of the class is 9 months (excluding school break). The 10 subjects are: Motion, Pre-writing, Pre-mathematics, Songs, Poetry, Fairy tales, Games, Science, Painting and Construction activities. There are also the teaching patterns in each subject as well.
The step of teaching: There are 5 steps as below:

  1. Step 1. Check attendance, ordering and hygiene.
  2. Step 2. Reminder of an old lesson.
  3. Step 3. Teaching new lessons by follow the lesson’s pattern.
  4. Step 4. Strengthening new lessons.
  5. Step 5. Praise and recommend.
1Motion (exercise) / Good habits(courtesy).35 minutes
2Attendance checking and inform the date.30 minutes
3Songs / Poetry / Fairy tales(reading) / Games30 minutes
4Break15 minutes
5Pre-writing / Pre-mathematics.30 minutes
6Science / Painting / construction activities.30 minutes
7Activities summary, Hygiene checking and prepare to leave class.30 minutes